Building contemporary skills

STEM approaches learning in a way that integrates the areas of science, technologies, engineering and mathematics.

This connected approach provides a way of thinking about the world that will benefit students in far reaching ways. Students will build contemporary skills to actively find and solve new and complex challenges, as they make purposeful connections across the wider learning community. They will explore real and virtual worlds in order to consider new perspectives.

In the Middle Years, students commence their journey to become the next generation of socially responsible, innovators and entrepreneurs.

At Year 10 level, learning in STEM continues to connect mathematical and scientific concepts within contemporary contexts linked to the Australian Curriculum. Students build on existing knowledge, skills and understanding developed in their Year 8 and 9 STEM experience.

Students wishing to develop mastery in high-level studies of science, technologies and mathematics can select from a range of choice courses offered in the Senior Years. Through STEM, today’s students have the opportunity to shape tomorrow’s world.

STEM in the Middle Years

To understand how students studying STEM in the Middle Years are prepared for success in their Senior Years and beyond, click on the link below to watch the video.

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